As my readers may have realized my wifes intention is to go for an extended initial lockup time. Last weekend she revealed the date she has decided for me to be unlocked, October 23rd. she says it is a tentative date; the lockdown may be prolonged as punishment, should there be displeasing issues popping up. The date means at least two moths time in cage, I sincerely hope that our experiences by that time will have made my wife grasp the opportunity to continue test of WLM.
The dtime I have spent in cage have given us some experiences. We used "the Curve" initially with the largest ring, later the "CB3000", after three weeks we were down to the 1 7/8" ring and it seemed to run smoothly.
However, recently, one evening when we going to bed I just felt like the cage was rather loose. In fact my wife was able to pull it off junior, and it was just dangling around the marbles. So after some research, we decided to try another CD that seems to have a reputation to be reliable and comfortable, the Rikers Master-series device. It arrived yesterday and I did change into the new device and are anxious to learn how we (the device representing my wife, and me) will interact. The ring seems very comfortable. As my wife was going away for five days we replaced the key/padlock with a seal befor she left. So I actually had to break the seal to make the change . So just now I operate on "honour code" now until she is back. Honour code as I have access to the new set of keys.
My motivation to endure such a long uninterupted period without being allowed to spend is strong but not unshakeable. I know how exitement drops and takes days to reemerge. That should be sufficient for me to refrain from any "self abuse", although I can be tempted, and from time to time horny to the extreme.
Actually: To be left alone for some days, without the day to day contact and encouragement from my wife seems to be much harder than when we are together. I foresee that this weekend will be hard for me to enjoy, and impulses to make the time pass faster, with masturbation will be there,
The dtime I have spent in cage have given us some experiences. We used "the Curve" initially with the largest ring, later the "CB3000", after three weeks we were down to the 1 7/8" ring and it seemed to run smoothly.

My motivation to endure such a long uninterupted period without being allowed to spend is strong but not unshakeable. I know how exitement drops and takes days to reemerge. That should be sufficient for me to refrain from any "self abuse", although I can be tempted, and from time to time horny to the extreme.
Actually: To be left alone for some days, without the day to day contact and encouragement from my wife seems to be much harder than when we are together. I foresee that this weekend will be hard for me to enjoy, and impulses to make the time pass faster, with masturbation will be there,