Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Classic and Operant Conditioning

Operant_conditioning_diagram.pngAnyone interrested in WLM should read the Wiki article on this topic, first Classic conditionig - dealing with behaviour beyond will control of the husband:, Secondly on operant conditioning that are dealing with behaviour that is controlled by the will of the husband:

Resourceful wives wanting success in her leadership, should read those articles and extract what is useful in her training. The interesting part is: It does not influence the results whether the husband is aware of theese techniques or not. The techniques will work!

An article that illustrates some of this is: "The Dominant Wife and the Submissive husband". It looks like it is copy/paste from previous sources,and that the original Author is not credited.
Anyhow, I found it here:

Before you read it, just one remark on one disturbing error (as far as I can see):

It is stated in the second paragraph, dealing with respondent (classic) conditioning that "operant conditioning refers to behavior that are not under your husband's control". That is confusing. The correct is that " classic conditioning refers to behavior that are not under....".  Later the article are dealing with operant conditioning, and there the author gets it right: " --"the process by which you modify a behavior under Your husband's control by manipulating and controlling the consequences to him of the behaviour"

To my Readers, if any: I recommend these articles.

2.nd Wednesday, day 10

Last night i came home late. My wife was upstairs, preparing for bed, unusually early, ( before 10 pm!, the TV was left cold) donning a nice navy outfit, and what I immediately noticed, some very nice large earrings in white gold. That was new, and encouraging. She seems to tap into secondary reinforcers. We had a nice talk, lots of cuddling and minor differences. I got one remark that warned me to slow down, and my hinting on some lip service was not welcome. She emphasized that I could not expect the scorecard to change that rapidly in the future. So, a small clash there. But not serious, more like a reminder and caution.

This morning a woke up early. Repeated "cramps in the leg", and it would not go away. Around 8 am she woke up. we then had a nice cuddly morning, none of us had a hurry, yesterday night was gone, I was dribling and there she was again, demanding! I cannot explain why, is this sublimation? Anyhow, to be allowed yet another time to elevate my wife into the bliss-zone feels like a priviledge. She came like a steam engine. Thereafter some more talk about what my part of the deal was, and that her part is to  keep stoking the boiler. Agreement. We also discussed the place DD would have. I actually long for some maintenance in that department, just to realize even more what a firm, respectable, desirable authority my wife is. And playful.

By the way: Whereas many blogs are certainly fiction, this is actually a precice log with notes what happens with the psyche in a relation where WLM is tested. Neither me, her nor anyone knows yet. But it will be nice to look back when we have spent more time in it. So far, so good.

By the way: How do I include pictures in thos blog template? Anyone can explain? there might be need for illustrations.