Sunday, September 27, 2015

Sorry - I have a question:

The Internet is abundant with testimonials praising the benefits of living in chastity and the necessity to secure this by locking up the husband.

At present it seems like I will develop a flue. My muscles are aching, I feel cold and stiff in all the wrong places. That reminds me of an episode a year ago: We practiced a chastity period using my CB3000 for a week or so, and I experienced that my light flue, developed to a urinary tract infetion that had to be remedied with antibiotics , but considering my age, the doctor wanted a thorough examination, he was really worried about my health down there, but an intrusive examination was normal, the blood test made him worry. A new blood test 6 weeks later was normal.

So my question is this: Is it possible that extended wearing of CDs can result in urinary tract infection or prostatitis? Should we practice more "yard time" on "honor code"

To be honest: during the 5-10 years we have practiced frustratingly on/off periods wearing a CD (as I have told: she "forgot" or neglected me every time), I may have ended up With 4 infections, which trips all alarms in physicians. Still all test show that after the infection is gone, everything is fine.

What do you know/say. Any references?

Another observation is that I am alone these days, I had to unlock my self to take care of junior, an fore some strange reason I do not succumb to pleasuring myself. Is it as my libido have hibernated. Rings any bells?

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Is it OK?

As I mentioned I had blues yesterday, due to the fact that my wife is away. And I changed the CD to another. I can report that I am very happy with the new CD. The fact that the tube reaches past the ring obviously makes it more "safe", but it feels more comfortable as well. I would not be surprised if The CBseries will get increasing competiotion from this concept. The "Dickcage" and the "Holy Trainer" (sic) seems to be made on the same concept.

I have made myeself busy today, very, so I have not had much time for sulking. Still I have a question: Is it advisable to be separated for many days during a "breaking in period"? As I see it now it might represent a huge stressfactor, at a time when we should  go the road together? As ot is said in "The Wives View":  "Enforcing the first three month period will allow him to get in to the proper frame of mind and make him understand your desire and your commitment and your determination to his being chaste; it will also give you the chance to develop the strength to say "no". "

Well,  she leaving me, could raise the question, is she really committed?

Just asking. any replies out there? i wish you a good weekend!

Friday, September 25, 2015

Change of device, blues and temptations

As my readers may have realized my wifes intention is to go for an extended initial lockup time. Last weekend she revealed the date she has decided for me to be unlocked, October 23rd. she says it is a tentative date; the lockdown may be prolonged as punishment, should there be displeasing issues popping up. The date means at least two moths time in cage, I sincerely hope that our experiences by that time will have made my wife grasp the opportunity to continue test of WLM.

The dtime I have spent in cage have given us some experiences. We used "the Curve" initially with the largest ring, later the "CB3000", after three weeks we were down to the 1 7/8" ring and it seemed to run smoothly.
However, recently, one evening when we going to bed I just felt like the cage was rather loose. In fact my wife was able to pull it off junior, and it was just dangling around the marbles. So after some research, we decided to try another CD that seems to have a reputation to be reliable and comfortable, the Rikers Master-series device. It arrived yesterday and I did change into the new device and are anxious to learn how we (the device representing my wife, and me) will interact. The ring seems very comfortable. As my wife was going away for five days we replaced the  key/padlock with a seal befor she left. So I actually had to break the seal to make the change . So just now I operate on "honour code" now until  she is back. Honour code as I have access to the new set of keys.

My motivation to endure such a long uninterupted period without being allowed to spend is strong but not unshakeable. I know how exitement drops and takes days to reemerge. That should be sufficient for me to refrain from any "self abuse", although I can be tempted, and from time to time horny to the extreme.

Actually: To be left alone for some days, without the day to day contact and encouragement from my wife seems to be much harder than when we are together. I foresee that this weekend will be hard for me to enjoy, and impulses to make the time pass faster, with masturbation will be there, 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

A full month

A full month has passed since my wife and me agreed ro examine what happens when we we agree to lock me up, I abandon my ability to masturbate and let her decide who, when, and how. As mentioned my ide was the playful +/- one week on and off, but then the article of Mistress Angela ("The Wives Wiew", also shown as a letter to Kathy Christian in "Mychastehubby") showed up and argued strongly for a three months initial lockupmtime. It ignited me, It became an exiting fantasy, but also an almost unreal challenge.
One full month has passed since I was caged. Based on previous habits I have lost some 30-50+ releases. I have not missed one of them. Well there have been times where I have been exteemelynhorny and needing, but the development between my wife and me have more than compensated.  My wife have fully demonstrated her will to control our common sex life. She has repeatedly expressed her pleasure with our new arrangement! And she does not see it as a kinky play, but rather a dead serious reality. 
Sex has improved drastically, our everyday habits have changed, all for the better. She is happy, sexually more active and sated. And strangely enough I feel the same way, even unreleased.

What has happened with DD? Not that much. Originally that was part of the deal, and I crave it. When we agreed to try out a period where I totally submitted myself to her, DD was part of the deal.  But somehow we have ended up in a romance where rewards and an exchange of nice words dominates, and only once have I been punished. 
We have discussed this during the weekend. Clearly I crave it (DD), and clearly she has not seen the need for it. And it is not part of her natural "reportoire". After having read four articles in the "" and reminding ourselves about respondant and operant conditioning, my wife have agreed to pursue the DD concept. 
Separation due to business travel on my part and her having some days vacation means there will still be a week or so before intentions can materialize. I am anxious to see what it will do for us. But even without DD we can report a nicer atmosphere in our home, much more closeness and hardly any quarrels.
As a part or her decision to include more of rewards and punishment to our chastity and WLM  regime, she revealed the date she has set for my first release after I was locked up: Friday October 23rd. 
Quite right, not three months time as suggested in some articles, but on the other hand, a date has been set and now there is a carrot dangling in front of me. There is a new dynamic: the possibility to be rewarded (shortened time) or punished (prolonged waiting time. It made it possible to include a countdown date to our blog, above the lockup count up timer. 
Do I look forward to my first release after two months lockup? Yes and no. Yes, I long for it. But on the other hand: a part of me would like to be able to experience how a full three months sexual abstinence would influence on the relation, romance and everyday life between my wife and me.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


We woke up at 7:00 and talked for quite some time. Busy days, but we were able to spend some qualitytime together before we had to start the daily routines. I think we both felt quite at ease, I was let out from the cage and sported a nice morning wood. Over the years my Wife have developed an amazing dexterity, and I was in heaven.

Then I was invited to mount her, face to face fashion! OMG. Junior was at his best behaviour: Firm, reliable and erect and the love-making was very pleasant, extended and emotional. It was implied that I was not to spend, which I managed. I do not know how and why. But I rode my lovely Wife over the finishing line. The tally is now 16:0, and I am happy, relieved, proud and still "woody" at times. Do I want a release now? Honestly I am not sure.

We will discuss more about the fact that I did not strive to keep mye seed at bay. Is that a problem? Any of our few readers that have experience here?

Something is missing (?)

When this started, I had no idea about the duration. Actually I was thinking in the realm of days/ a week or so. As of yesterday it was my 22.nd day in chastity. To be honest I have been allowed some supervised "yard time": time to clean the device (supervised) and some time out for her T&D, but still: I have not peaked at any time.

However, a few days after the lockup, we read some articles that was crystal clear about a "breaking in period" (twitch, twitch):

  • "It is almost universally held by women who seriously practice chastity with their husband that initial enforcement of chastity should be at least three months of continuous wear without relief after you go through the break in period of getting a device that fits.
  •  Preventing him from having an orgasm for a three month period may seem a bit harsh but it is paramount to your success as it allows his body and mind to adjust to the lack of masturbation and sexual pleasure as desired. Enforcing the first three month period will allow him to get in to the proper frame of mind and make him understand your desire, your commitment and your determination to his being chaste.  It will also give you the chance to develop the strength to consistently say "no".
    My reaction was split but initially the Nr.2 impulse took priority:
1.      It seemed unrealistic, and I thought my wife would react negatively. Actually, she has not commented at all. She has not by any means, indicated that happy days are just around the corner. She claims she has decided on a definite date for release - but she will not disclose it to me..... She can be a very determined Lady when she has decided to go for something.

2.      One part of me, the masochist, could clearly feel the twitching, just thinking about the very stern Message hidden in those lines and the implications.

Now, 23 days later I tend to have a more dim view on a three months excursion. I can see many good reasons, one of them is to demonstrate to my wife that I do not regard this as a play, my intentions are serious, and as such, I expect her to take it serious as well. For sure, keeping my emotions on log will only be more and more valuable and interesting, the more time I spend as a chaste husband.

BUT now my emotions are changing: My wife went away to visit friends for the best part of the weekend, whereas I was to hold the fortress. 

For the first time ever second thoughts kicked in. "What have you brought upon yourself?" I was actually very blue, depressed, unable to be productive, just sulking. I was intensely missing access to junior and missing the possibility to orgasm, totally left out. Sunday night she returned and I talked to her, explaining what I was going through, and that I intensely felt the lack of control and influence over my "pet", the ability to satisfy and console myself, however brief the consolation would be. The reality having to rely on her considerations and generosity was kicking in. I told her that the fact that I am not to beg her for release, but to "trust the process" feels very demanding.

My wife's first reaction was that she might spank me for sulking. However, she realized she had not established a rule against sulking, and therfore it would be unfair to punish me for it. We instead had a nice conversation and I think she realized that my concerns were sincere and troublesome for me.

The night ended peacefully with some serious T&D and Monday morning I felt better. We will see what the future brings. Next time I will tell what happened this morning (Tuesday morning).

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Stress relief

Very very unconcentrated today! I had a lot of pressure yesterday. Had a role in a large official function. Moreover my wife was busy long into the night. So yesterday kind of disappeared and we were exhausted. However Jr. voke up early and kept pestering me, so when my wife woke up I had been thinking, fantasizing and imagining what might evaporate before I had to rush to work. Well. Mu Wife had all the time , she decided to stay at home. After some Nice cuddling and jr.'s immense drooling my wife finally ordered me to giver her some lip service (big reward  and enforcement). Well. On work today I had problems concentrated. I was shaking, trembling and simply could not focus. Back home, my wife was on Telephone for a good hour. I had to busy myself, which I did.  Coming home second time, my wife had picked up on my situation and asked me to go to the bedroom and undress. On display were her tools of the trade, a quirt, a strap/belt and a cane. She told me she wanted to give me some stress relief. and that was it. some good physical treatment, my stress was gone and I am back on track, calmed. Lif is good.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Busy, but all fine!

Quite busy for some days, but everything works smoothly. My Wife seems to have grasped the opportunity this time. Yesterday she sendt me a short message." I just want to say that I enjoy what we are doing these days. I feel we get closer (heart)". It is probably the best message I could get, a confirmation from her. To say that junior swelled when I responded to her is to put it mildly. I replied that I as well felt at ease and experienced a brighter mind that I can recall for years. And this was after just 15 days.. I am anxious to learn where this leads us. So far it feels like coming home after a long an exhausting Journey.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Classic and Operant Conditioning

Operant_conditioning_diagram.pngAnyone interrested in WLM should read the Wiki article on this topic, first Classic conditionig - dealing with behaviour beyond will control of the husband:, Secondly on operant conditioning that are dealing with behaviour that is controlled by the will of the husband:

Resourceful wives wanting success in her leadership, should read those articles and extract what is useful in her training. The interesting part is: It does not influence the results whether the husband is aware of theese techniques or not. The techniques will work!

An article that illustrates some of this is: "The Dominant Wife and the Submissive husband". It looks like it is copy/paste from previous sources,and that the original Author is not credited.
Anyhow, I found it here:

Before you read it, just one remark on one disturbing error (as far as I can see):

It is stated in the second paragraph, dealing with respondent (classic) conditioning that "operant conditioning refers to behavior that are not under your husband's control". That is confusing. The correct is that " classic conditioning refers to behavior that are not under....".  Later the article are dealing with operant conditioning, and there the author gets it right: " --"the process by which you modify a behavior under Your husband's control by manipulating and controlling the consequences to him of the behaviour"

To my Readers, if any: I recommend these articles.

2.nd Wednesday, day 10

Last night i came home late. My wife was upstairs, preparing for bed, unusually early, ( before 10 pm!, the TV was left cold) donning a nice navy outfit, and what I immediately noticed, some very nice large earrings in white gold. That was new, and encouraging. She seems to tap into secondary reinforcers. We had a nice talk, lots of cuddling and minor differences. I got one remark that warned me to slow down, and my hinting on some lip service was not welcome. She emphasized that I could not expect the scorecard to change that rapidly in the future. So, a small clash there. But not serious, more like a reminder and caution.

This morning a woke up early. Repeated "cramps in the leg", and it would not go away. Around 8 am she woke up. we then had a nice cuddly morning, none of us had a hurry, yesterday night was gone, I was dribling and there she was again, demanding! I cannot explain why, is this sublimation? Anyhow, to be allowed yet another time to elevate my wife into the bliss-zone feels like a priviledge. She came like a steam engine. Thereafter some more talk about what my part of the deal was, and that her part is to  keep stoking the boiler. Agreement. We also discussed the place DD would have. I actually long for some maintenance in that department, just to realize even more what a firm, respectable, desirable authority my wife is. And playful.

By the way: Whereas many blogs are certainly fiction, this is actually a precice log with notes what happens with the psyche in a relation where WLM is tested. Neither me, her nor anyone knows yet. But it will be nice to look back when we have spent more time in it. So far, so good.

By the way: How do I include pictures in thos blog template? Anyone can explain? there might be need for illustrations.